Fitness Crisis

For the past two-three months, I’ve been struggling with my fitness.  I still absolutely love to work out and I’m totally addicted.  However, I happy with how my body looks now and I’ve struggled to push myself in classes at the gym. I don’t need to lose any more weight and I’m more than happy with my muscle tone.  So……what am I doing? Where do I want to go?

I’ve been looking at my fitness goals I set in January.

1.  Run a half Marathon (Coming in May!!)

2.  Hike at least one 14er

3.  Be able to do 5 pull ups

Well………..Number one is happening in May whether I’m ready or not. It’s been too cold to hike until the past few weeks, and I’m up to 5 pull ups already.  So again……what are my real long term goals?

When I was heavy, my ideal image of fitness was a distance runner. sport-protiv-stareniyaWomen like this run past my apartment all day long every day.  I would see them and think, “Wow.  That’s what I want to be able to do someday.”  I’ve never been envious of body builders, cyclists, gymnasts or swimmers.  That’s never been the type of body I wanted to have or activities I’m even interested in.  I’ve never wanted to be able to squat 300 pounds.  BUT I’ve always wanted to be a runner.  My sister did Cross Country when we were in school.  I could never believe how far she could run or that she actually liked it. After moving to Colorado, I saw just how normal running was here.

So I’m trying to zero in on what I really want from my body and what I want it to be able to do.  So, for the next two months………..and I still can’t believe I’m saying this……I’ve suspended my gym membership.  I’m going to be mixing running with boxing training while I prepare for the race.  While talking through my goals with my hubby, I said “I’d love to be able to run a 5K every 6 months for the rest of my life” and that’s my real goal: fitness for life.

While my body is adjusting to running, my mind still is not.  I have trouble finding the ‘runner’s zone’ and think about how much I hate running all the time still.  BUT I’m hopeful that I will learn to love it and crave it like I do my workouts at the gym.  So we will see.  Can I become my ideal athlete? Can I be one of those people that others see as a goal? Is there someone watching me run in the park thinking, “I hope to do that someday”? I hope so!  BTW: I’m probably wearing these underneath.


Runnin’ Of The Green – 7K

Well, I did it.  I ran a 7K!  Usually I post about how much easier the race was than I thought or how I didn’t even train.  This is not the case this time!


A few months ago, Nikki asked if I wanted to do the 7K that she was doing.  In my mind I was thinking, that’s only like one more mile than a 5K.  I can do that, right? So I registered me and the hubby.  As the race was getting closer, the Denver weather was getting worse and worse.  I couldn’t find the time or get the weather to cooperate to start running training until…….last week.

I told my trainer Jameson that I was going to be doing the race and his first question was, “Have you been training?” I of course, had not.  I usually just wing it and hope for the best.  However, I know I can’t keep doing this.  If I want to run longer distances……..I obviously have to practice longer distances.  I absolutely hate running on a treadmill unless there’s someone there to keep me entertained.  So all week long, James pushed my cardio during my sessions with him and would recommend how long to run on my ‘off’ days.  On Friday night, I set out for a 4 mile run.


To be clear: I’m pretty sure I’ve never run that far.  Ever.  The most we did at school was the mile and I don’t recall ever running more than a mile or two at track practice.  There is a 5K track in City Park across the street.  So I started on that and thought I’d just make up the last little bit when I got to the end.  Well I got lost.  Twice.  I kept losing the trail or not being sure and taking a stupid way.  Luckily, I’ve been using Map My Run.  It’s a great app for all kinds of things but feels like it was made for idiots like me who don’t know how far they ran.

On Saturday I rested.  And it was good.

Sunday. Race Day. I woke up tired and already nervous about the race.  Dan and I had already preplanned where to eat breakfast so we had enough fuel to get us through the race.  We went to breakfast and bought bus passes.  We had to travel Green for the Runnin’ of the Green right? For those that don’t know, major cities are awesome for St. Patty’s.  While I didn’t get to see the Chicago River turn green this year, it was awesome to see everyone when we stepped off the bus.  There was green EVERYWHERE!  With 3,500 runners it was nearly impossible to keep track of the group!


I was a lot less nervous for this race than I have for the last two.  I had practiced the distance and knew I could at least survive and cross the finish line. My error was in not looking harder at the race route.  There were several hills and overpasses along the route. I ran the first mile pretty quickly: 9 mins.  Then the route got hard.  The uphills would take everything I had and then I would want to walk the down hill.  It didn’t take me long to figure out that I was doing it backwards.  On the rest of the hills I would try to walk as fast as I could up and then race down to make up the time.  Also, it’s a lot easier to go fast as your going downhill.  Mile 2-3 was pretty brutal.  When I got to the mile 3 marker, I really wanted it to be over.  But I kept going anyway.  I alternated between running and walking quickly as little as possible but I felt like I couldn’t run as long or as fast as I wanted.  On the last uphill, I had to walk.  When I turned the corner, the finish line was right there.

When I crossed the finish line, I was happy with my time, but not how I ran the race.  I finished 4.52 miles in 48:56 minutes.  When I finished I felt like I could have run faster and pushed myself harder.  But now I have the confidence that I can run that far and hopefully next time I can have enough confidence to push myself harder.  It was a brutal race but I finished!



Next Race: The Graffiti Run – 5K



Peace Love and Shoes


My mother and I were talking about how for some people, just getting the right equipment is the first step to exercising.  Most people think they need DVDs, a treadmill, weights or other equipment to get started.  My advice: start with shoes.  When you have a great pair of shoes that you love, exercising is right outside your door.  You don’t need a gym membership or fancy new workout equipment to start a new fitness routine.  Just strap on some shoes and head outside!

So here’s my advice when looking for a pair of exercise shoes and where to start.  I’m also going to review the four pairs of shoes that I’ve gone through in the last year and a half.  Knowing where to start is half the battle!

Tip #1: Don’t go to a ‘big box’ sports store.

Stores like Sports Authority and Dick’s Sporting Goods are great for a lot of things and I often shop there for workout clothes and equipment.  However, they are severely lacking in brands of shoes and knowledge about their inventory.  I HIGHLY recommend going to a specialized running store.  Even if you are planning on using your shoes for all types of exercise, these people know their stuff.  I have bought every pair of my shoes at The Boulder Running Company here in Colorado.  Look for a specialized fitness or running store to purchase your shoes. If you’re thinking of purchasing shoes at Target or Walmart, STOP RIGHT NOW.  Shoes at these stores are made for walking, not fitness.  They will only last a few months and you’ll find they are not supporting your feet like they should.  Trust me. Also, stores like Foot Locker and Champs only carry the cheaper, low end models of the popular brands.  Go to a specialty store to see everything each brand has.

Tip #2: Find out how you run

Even if you are not planning on spending most of your fitness hours running, you’ll want the correct support for whatever sort of exercise you do.  At The Boulder Running Company they have a Runner’s Lab. Inside the Runner’s Lab, there is a treadmill with several cameras at different angles.  They are able to measure the type of ankle support you need, how your knees align and the impact point of your running.  With this cool technology, they can fit you in the perfect shoe to avoid injury.  Other stores might just have a treadmill and an ipad to film you on.  This is way better than just guessing!  If you walk in a store to buy shoes, check for a treadmill.  If they don’t have one, go somewhere else.  You’ll want to try running and exercising in your shoes.

Tip #3: You don’t have to know anything

The categories of shoes can be a little overwhelming.  Just within running shoes there is: cross trainers, barefoot running, full support, gel cushion, free run….etc.  You do not have to understand the technology behind your shoes.  Also, you can run in shoes that aren’t for running.  Shocking, but it’s true! 🙂  It’s all about finding the right pair of shoes for you.  If you are at the right store, you’ll be able to tell the employee what you like and don’t like about each shoe and they will narrow it down for you.

Tip #4: Try on lots of pairs

When I am trying to decide on a pair of shoes I walk in them, run, do burpees, push ups, jumping jacks, plank and high knees.  Do any kind of exercise you think you might do while trying on your shoes.  Often times I forget to do a plank or push up and then I find out my shoes slip.  Your feet should not feel any pain while you are running.  If something is pinching, your toes to numb or even the heel rubbing means those aren’t the right shoes.  Even when you think you have found the right pair, try on another just to make sure. Don’t forget to inquire about their return policy.  Most stores will take back shoes as long as you don’t wear them outside.

Tip #5: Buy more than one

Different shoes do different things.  After you find and love your first pair, you’ll be itching to get another.  I recommend buying a pair every 6 months or so, so that you always have a newer and older pair.  I have three pairs that I keep in rotation depending on the workout I’m planning on doing.  The more you workout, the more shoes you need and the more often you’ll need to buy them.

If you are still feeling overwhelmed, here’s a handy Shoe Adviser by Runner’s World.  If you can’t find a specialty store with knowledgeable staff, maybe give that at try.  Here’s my reviews on the shoes I’ve purchased over the last year and a half.  The were all bought at The Boulder Running Company.


IMG_1529  New Balance 860 V3

Price: $120

Stars: 3 of 5

Current Mileage: 25-50 miles

Overall: Too chunky

This was the very first pair of running shoes I’d ever bought.  When I bought them, I was planning on running the streets and not cross training.  I didn’t really know what I wanted out of my shoes yet.  These shoes have great ankle support and running in them was easy.  However, when I started to branch out in my fitness, these shoes were no longer adequate.  They allow for very little lateral movement. I would not purchase these shoes again.  Even though the have plenty of miles left in them, I haven’t touched them in 9 months. I keep them for an emergency pair.


IMG_1530   Nike Free 3.0

Price: $40 (clearance)

Stars: 4 of 5

Current Mileage: 25-50 miles

Overall: Like

This is the second pair of shoes I bought when BRC opened a new store and had a clearance weekend.  I bought them because they are pink and are much more flexible than my first pair.  Also, the whole shoe is one piece which feels a lot less bulky.  The do not have a ton of ankle support, but my ankles are pretty straight and strong.  If you need strong ankle support, this is not the shoe for you. This is an overall good shoe.  It’s very comfortable and light weight.  It’s also great for cross training as it allows for all directional movement. I usually wear these for boxing. One thing I don’t like: the sole.  The sole of this shoe is multi-directional so that it feels like you’re barefoot.  This feature makes it difficult to balance on a pod or Bosu ball.  They are great for quick runs but not super long distances. Other than that, I love these shoes.


IMG_1528  Nike Flyknit Lunar 2

Price: $150

Stars: 5 of 5

Current Mileage: 100+ miles

Overall: LOVE

This was the first pair of shoes I ever loved!  I’ll be sad when they don’t have any miles left in them.  Here’s why I love this shoe: I totally forget about them.  I never think about this shoe when I’m wearing it.  It’s has the perfect breath-ability, my preferred sole, medium ankle support and is super light weight.  I will be purchasing the latest model when I start marathon training.  It was also just highly rated by Runner’s World in their most recent issue.  They also have great durability.  I have worn these almost everyday for 6 months before I thought about getting another pair. Even with 100+ miles in them, I still think these shoes have quite a bit of life left in them.


IMG_1527   Brooks Ghost 6

Price: $60 (Clearance)

Stars: 4 of 5

Current Mileage: 20 miles

Overall: Like

I purchased these shoes two months ago.  I knew my fave shoes were getting worn and I wanted to start breaking in a new pair for marathon training season.  Although I like these better than the New Balance brand above, they still feel pretty chunky. However, their movement is a lot better.  The sole is VERY grippy which I sometimes love and sometimes hate.  I’m concerned about their durability over time since a few of the nubbs on the sole have already worn off.  Although I don’t forget about them like I do my Flyknits, they are comfortable to run in.

Boxing with DaVarryl

Well it finally happened.  I cried during a workout. I have teared up, wanted to cry and sucked up a tear before but I’ve never full out cried.  Last night was that night.

I arrived at the gym to train with Jameson right after work.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, Jameson was unable to make it.  So the owner, DaVarryl Williamson absorbed me into his small class.  For those who don’t box or are new to the idea of a trainer, every trainer is different.  The exact same workout with two different trainers can look and feel drastically different.  Each trainer has their own style, has different expectations and demands. I was immediately nervous and anxious not knowing what I was in store for.touchofsleep

He put us on cardio machines, which are all ‘conveniently’ stuck on the highest resistance and intensity possible.  Then we wrapped up our hands and did exercises.  After about a million sit ups and pull ups, he had us get in the ring. I was feeling pretty intimidated already because I couldn’t do the same amount or intensity as the others in class. But I’m pretty comfortable in the ring after a few training sessions with Jameson and was thinking to myself, “I got this.” I soooo did not.


DaVarryl started calling out combination numbers that I wasn’t used to.  It was like Russian to me.  Even after watching the other three in class go first, I couldn’t get it right.  The others in class would whisper what I was supposed to do, I’d practice and then still go up and get it wrong.  The workout was within my fitness level but I felt like I couldn’t do it.  I got more and more frustrated with myself. I felt like everyone was watching me fail. DaVarryl was very patient with me while still demanding I meet expectations.  Even when I turned my back on him, which you are NEVER supposed to do, he didn’t let me quit.  Even when I was crying, he pushed me to do more because he knew I could. The workout was killer and I think I sweat a whole gallon.  But I cried……….Twice.

crying child

I didn’t cry because the work was too hard.  I didn’t cry because I wanted to quit or DaVarryl hurt my feelings.  I didn’t cry because of the pain.  I cried because I felt fat again.

I am not very good at “going with the flow”. (Shocker to all that know me, I know!) I walk into the gym with a certain mindset for what I’m about to do.  Whenever it doesn’t go as planned, I get frustrated and anxious.  So when I couldn’t do what everyone else could do, I felt like I was at the bottom of the class.  It’s been a long time since I felt like I was the worst in any class. I kept thinking everyone else was thinking, “What the hell is she doing here?” “She’s holding up class.” “She’s not fit enough to keep up.” “She’s clearly a beginner.” “She can’t do it.”

Now, a day later, I can see the workout more clearly.  I was the one thinking that.  Who cares what everyone was thinking? The others in class were really helpful.  The girl next to me even said, “It’s okay.  You’re doing great!  Most people have a hard time their first time. Most people puke.” I immediately wanted to punch her in the face because what I heard was “You can’t do this.”  Last night I felt like I was fat and uncoordinated all over again.  I felt frustrated with my body when it was really my mind holding me back.  I was blaming the circumstance when I should have just focused.  I need to stop putting myself in a box where failure equals not being awesome at everything. I SHOULD have really enjoyed the workout with an awesome boxer and teacher, but instead I let me mind take me to a place where I ended up hating it.

Last night showed me, yet again, how much work I still have left to do emotionally.




This post is to one of my closest friends, cheerleader, support person and overall badass: Nikki.  Happy Birthday Girl!


In May of 2013, I told Nikki I was going to try to start eating healthier and that I wanted to lose maybe 50 pounds.  When you’re morbidly obese, everyone knows you talking about dieting every now and then and tell those around you you’re going to try.  The response from most is just a passing “ok” with the added feeling of “yeah right” behind it.  But Nikki didn’t make me feel this way.  Right away she offered advice as she was naturally a better eater than I was.  She would comment that my pants were getting loose even when I didn’t believe her myself.

That’s the number one thing I love about Nikki: No Judgement. Ever.  I never feel judged by her or looked down upon.  She is one of the best people I’ve ever met.

Over that summer I lost 30 – 40 pounds and returned to work in the fall.  Nikki and I didn’t see each other much that summer since we both travel, work and enjoy every last second of our summers.  When we got back to work, she jumped on the band wagon.  We started having ‘pot luck style’ lunches where we and a few friends would bring different things for lunches that week.  She would force me to try new things that I didn’t even know I liked.  Where would I be without her encouraging me to eat hummus or black bean burgers? My life would be so sad! We would check in and talk about our weight and what sucked that week.  Since we were under the same stress it was really easy to counsel each other.


That January I joined my gym.  She joined too!  They were running a groupon so she bought one and would come workout with me in the beginning.  She quickly found that my gym wasn’t her style, but since we had started together, I could always talk to her about what was going on at the gym.  She started running, biking and 5k training while I worked on strength and cardio.  That spring, we both got new jobs.

We still make it a point to get together and we still check in about our weight and how things are going.  We love to go to a local vegetarian restaurant where she turned me on to THE BEST bean and quinoa burger EVER. We’ve ran a 5K together and are running a 7K together in March.  She constantly reminds me how much of an inspiration I am for her, but she’s just as big for me.


Nikki is an amazing Mom.  When I’m at her house, I hope to be the kind of parent that she is.  Not only is she finding time for herself and her health, but she models those healthy choices for her son Will and her hubby.  She’s also an amazing teacher and advocate for her students.  She’s involved with galleries all over town and is often looking for charities and causes to support.  So while Nikki thinks I’m the support for her, it’s really the other way around!  I think you’re amazing in everything you do.  So the HAPPIEST of birthdays to my kick-ass friend.  You go girl!

A New Yardstick

Lately the switch from losing weight to maintenance has been really difficult.  I’ve been feeling less sexy, confident and proud of what I’ve accomplished.  THIS IS NOT a ploy to get tons of compliments of how good I look in this post’s comments.  It’s just the truth.  My hubby and I were discussing it last night and he helped me figure out part of it.

I’m addicted to the numbers on the scale.

I would get excited every morning to get on the scale.  I’d step on and see the lower number I was hoping to see and I would feel PROUD.  I’d fist pump the air and think about how awesome I was.  This would be the height of most days.  Seeing your hard work pay off is such an emotional high!


Now when I get on the scale in the morning, I’m hoping to see the same number.  I keep coming back to this.  I know I should see the same number.  The doctor told me not to lose more weight.  I am actually NOT wanting to see it go down. So I get on and think, great, I ate enough yesterday.  No fist pump.  No rush of awesomeness. Just……ok good.

So much of my ‘awesomeness factor’ was tied to seeing the number go down.  I thought I wasn’t so bad or addicted to the numbers, but now that I don’t have them, I’m feeling lost.  It’s the easiest way to measure your health and fitness right? If the number goes down, you made the right choices. What do I measure by now? My abilities in fitness change so slowly that over time it’s hard to feel like you’re getting better.  It could take me another 6 months to be able to meet my pull up goal.  It’s too cold to hike my first 14er or start marathon training.

I know in the spring it will be a lot easier to measure my fitness when I’m training for a half marathon.  I will be able to literally measure how far I can run.  Right now though……I feel lost. I know it should be a great relief to not be buying new pants every month and have met my goal weight. But I just……don’t.  I don’t think I need to lose more weight and I’m really happy with my fitness level……..what’s my new yardstick?

Half Their Size

This year, I could NOT WAIT for the “Half Their Size” issue of People to come out.  I see it every year.  This is the first year I actually read it!


Every year I see the magazine.  Two years ago here’s what would run through my head:

“HALF my weight? Yeah right!  That’s like…….150 pounds.  I could NEVER lose 150 pounds.  Those people must have started at like 400 pounds!  There’s NO way that could ever be me. Who does that? No one.”

This year:

“Bah!  She only lost 115 pounds.  I lost more than that!  She wasn’t even that heavy to begin with!  He lost under a 100? Why is he in the magazine?”

So two years ago I could not even imagine what it would be like to lose even 50 pounds.  This year, I’m laughing at the people in the magazine and wishing I’d applied!

There were several stories within the magazine that I enjoyed or hit a note with me.  I found myself agreeing or finding common ground with almost everyone of them.  If you are on your journey now, I would greatly recommend picking up a copy.  It’s always good to hear about other people’s journeys.

There was a lot of buzz when the edition came out around the language they use.  There’s actually a petition you can sign to ask People to stop using the terms “No Surgery, No Gimmicks”.  Supporters of this petition suggest that weight loss surgery should not be considered a gimmick or that those who have it should be ashamed or considered ‘less than’ those that don’t.  So, what do you think? Is weight loss surgery a ‘quick fix’? Is it a cop out? I’ll let you ponder on that for a few days before giving you my thoughts……..Comments!!!!!!

The Black Sea of Diet Books

Yesterday I was at Barnes and Nobel and I was overwhelmed by the New Years Resolution theme they have going on right now.  Every single table is covered in cook books, diet books, self help books and ‘new you’ books.  Everywhere you look there are phrases like “The New You” and “The Tools You Need” and “Your Best Year Yet”.  Here’s an example of one side of one of the tables:


I was looking for a particular health book, and found it completely overwhelming to find it.  So even when I knew what book I wanted, I couldn’t find what I needed.  I started to think of some of you or someone wanting to start a journey, I would have been so overwhelmed by the choices that I probably would have walked out empty handed.  I ended up not finding the book I was there for but instead found a hilarious book on running.

Anyway, I wanted to offer some advice when trying to find a new book about dieting or fitness.

  • You Don’t Need More Than One –  Don’t buy five different books about five different diets that are just going to confuse you. If you want to check out a bunch, check your library first and narrow down your options.  I ended up buying ZERO books for my journey. After checking some out from the library, I realized I knew what I needed to do and wanted to set my own rules.  It helped me realize I didn’t want to follow a plan.
  • Set Your Goal First – Even before starting to choose a diet plan (if you need one) you need to consider your goals first.  Some diets are not appropriate for long distance runners.  Others are not for anyone not ready for fitness.  Some diets help with lean muscle others help with cardio conditioning. If you know where you want to go, it’s easier to narrow down the diet plans that can get you there.
  • Stay Positive! – While you are scanning books, if you are thinking to yourself, “I could never do this”, then DON’T BUY IT!  Find one that you’re excited about or a set of recipes that looks delicious.  If you start your journey thinking about how hard it’s going to be, you’ll probably give up.  There are different plans for everyone based on how fast you want to lose your weight, how much fitness you’ll be doing and how much time you’re going to dedicate to it.  Find one that fits you because there are hundreds and there’s a good fit for whatever you’re looking for.


When I look at that picture above, here’s what I see: A lot of books claiming to all have the secret.  (Other than the super hot Chris Powell!) The real truth behind diet books is……………THEY ALL WORK. Each one claims to give you the results you need because each one can.  There is no one true diet plan.  Every single one of these plans will give you some sort of results.  However, it’s your choice and within your power to decide which is best FOR YOU.

There is one book that I would highly recommend and my original reason for going to B & N.  I never shop there because I try to shop local but I knew Tattered Cover didn’t have a copy.  This is the only diet book that I will probably ever recommend to all who are on a weightloss journey:

18476763Diet Cults is written by Fitness and Nutrition Writer, Matt Fitzgerald.  He takes you through several diets that we’ve all heard of: Weight Watchers, Paleo, Atkins…..and so on and explains why each isn’t any better than the other.  Matt is an extreme endurance runner and suggests a much simpler way of eating that doesn’t require so many rules.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  Even if you are following a plan because that’s what works for you, I still think it’s worth reading!

Wow.  I feel like I’ve rambled in this post so let’s recap:

  • DO NOT walk into a bookstore to get a health related book without knowing what you are generally going to get right now. They are really overwhelming.
  • IF you think you need a diet plan with rules, choose one not fifty.  If you’re unsure, go to the library instead.
  • All diet plans work.  If you put in the work, you’ll get results.
  • Not everyone needs a diet plan.  Don’t be afraid to create your own!

In the last year……

Today marks my one year anniversary of joining Cole Fusion Fitness here in Denver. So today, I wanted to focus on what I’ve been able to accomplish, fitness-wise, in the last year.

I joined the gym on this day, 2014.  I had already lost 80 pounds and was feeling really good about myself but I knew I wanted and needed to add fitness to my routine.  On New Years Day I looked at Groupon for local gym deals.  I was looking for a smaller gym where I could not only get healthy but socialize.  I wanted the owner to know my name and recognize that I was coming in and say something if I wasn’t.  I wanted a gym with strong athletes, not skinny bitches and meat heads. That’s exactly what I found.

When comparing what I can do now to what I did before, sometimes I have to guess.  I was not very good about recording the beginning process of my journey like I am now.  However, I did take measurements in my first weeks at the gym.  ***Remember, I had already lost a significant amount of weight at this point so you aren’t going to see 100s of inches lost, even though that’s probably where I started!  Also, I’m not very good about taking measurements.  I forget to wear the same outfit each time and I’m not very consistent about how I measure.  If you are taking some beginning measurements, choose the same outfit to wear every time. (bra/no bra, naked/clothes) Also, I’d recommend someone taking a picture of each tape measure placement so you know you’re always measuring in the same place.  Just some advice… Let’s compare!  Screen Shot 2015-01-02 at 11.07.47 AMIn case anyone was counting, that’s 35 inches!  That’s almost a yard stick! I was shocked by a few of the measurements like waist and hips!  I had totally forgotten that I wrote these measurements in my food journal but now I’m glad I did!

It’s also important to think about what you want to be able to do when starting a gym.  My gym is very intense and does full body workouts most days that focus on strength, cardio and agility.  Not all gyms have the same focus and vision so you want to look for one that does.  Some gyms, it seems to me anyway, don’t have a focus.  There are lots of ‘big box gyms’ that basically provide the equipment and it’s up to you.  If you are new to working out, I would suggest getting a few personal trainers sessions before trying to figure out what to do on your own.  At this time of year, a lot of gyms offer free sessions when you sign up for this reason.  Gyms can be really intimidating if you’re new so make sure to educate yourself on what to do!

Setting goals is about numbers for me.  Maybe for you it’s distance or just about the weight coming off.  When I started the gym, I wanted to see how far my body could go and what I could do that I never would have imagined.  But when I look at the numbers, that’s when I feel like I can really compare. Here’s another chart of where I started and where I am now:Screen Shot 2015-01-02 at 12.03.41 PM

You’ll see a few question marks because in a few categories, I really don’t know!  I’ve never tried to see how many push ups I can do and I know I can run 33 minutes because of my last 5K, but maybe I could even run longer! It’s crazy to see it in this chart.

So if you’re starting, remember to track where you are and where you want to go!  Below is a more concise list of what was talked about above.

Gym Tips

#1 No what you are looking for   Why are you joining? Do you want to be alone or socialize? Do you just want to do your own thing or be part of a class or group? Cardio fitness? Weights?

#2 Don’t be afraid to shop around Now is the perfect time to try a few places or classes.  Until a company or gym has invested it’s time and money in you, there’s no loyalty.  If one place seems too easy or hard, try another!

#3 if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t  I was looking for a certain feeling at my gym.  I wanted to be part of a group of athletes that would hold me accountable.  I heard a horror story from a friend who joined a yoga studio, where you couldn’t talk……ever!  Obviously, that’s not for me.  So if it doesn’t feel right, go somewhere else!

#4 Start with a trainer If you don’t know what to do in a gym and don’t have a buddy to show you, ask for a free training session.  A lot of gyms offer them when you sign up right now.  They know people need education and you might get some for free!

#5 Buy new clothes  I get excited about anything that I get to buy clothes for.  So don’t forget to buy some super cute new clothes and SHOES for the gym!  Get excited and invest in yourself!

Redos and Resolutions

Happy New Year Everyone!

I love the New Year because it is just the perfect opportunity to do something new, to try something again, to forget a failure and set new goals!

Last night, we went out with some friends for the traditional crazy-confetti cannon-commotion of New Year’s Eve.  Similar to my Halloween post, I wanted to find a tiny dress to wear because I COULD.  I didn’t get any good photos of how tiny this dress was but I’m sure you can imagine.  I felt so sexy, so confident, so NORMAL to go out for NYE.  We went to an 80’s themed party where all the music and outfits were 80s.  It was so much fun dancing the night away.  I think I danced for HOURS straight based on the way my legs feel today.


All night I kept seeing women that I knew were uncomfortable in their outfit choice.  You know what I mean.  Either their outfit was too small for their figure and they couldn’t dance.  Or they didn’t have the figure to wear something sexy which leaves you feeling awkward.  I have been this girl SO MANY times that I recognize it instantly.  It was awesome to not only be able to wear a tiny dress but to dance the night away and not think twice about it.



This year I’ve decided not to make any resolutions except to my husband.  Every year we write letters to each other on New Years Eve and read them on New Years Day. We make promises to each other about what we would like to do better for the other person.  I’m not going to make any of the normal resolutions.  Not because I don’t have anything I want to change (my weight was only one area of my life that needed taken care of!) but because I don’t feel like I need to!  My self drive and motivation is stronger than ever and I know I’ll be able to accomplish what I want to do this year.  Plus, I already set new physical goals for the year.

The New Year is a great marker for anyone ready to start a journey.  Don’t forget, you don’t have to tell anyone you’re doing it!  Some people need a circle of support before they begin, others build theirs as they go.  There is a lot of pressure to start a new healthy lifestyle at the beginning of the year and you can find tons of others at the beginning of their journey too.  But now is the best time to purchase diet plans, a scale, diet books, exercise equipment and even exercise clothes.  All stores run deals on health related products at the beginning of the year.  So now is the best time to start if you’re just beginning!

InXp3U0RvBFXE-dAyADHiWTX5zhpojXDy0nEboqP8bmt1hf8Up50Qa8SztQvxMPxw0eE=w300 found my gym, Cole Fusion Fitness, on this very day last year.  I was just browsing Groupon for what gyms were offering deals and one that looked like what I wanted.  On January 2nd, I went in and saw the gym and joined.  Don’t forget to check local gyms for deals!  A lot of ‘chain gyms’ offer no registration fees or even free months right now. So even if you decide it’s not for you later, it’s still the best time to try! If you don’t know Groupon, you should!  Check it out.  Click the picture!

nexusae0_231Another great place to find local fitness deals is Living Social.  It works just like Groupon if you are familiar with that.  I often register for 5Ks and events through Living Social.  Sometimes the two sites have the same deals but not always so it’s worth a look at both sites.  If you are just starting out, I would suggest one of these deals.  It’s a great way to try a few places or different style classes and then decide if you want to commit.  Just go for it!

If you are nervous about joining a gym or fitness class, check out this old post: Gym Goggles. 

In the last year, I’ve become the person I always knew I could be both physically and emotionally.  This could be your year!  On New Year’s Eve 2015, what will you see when you look back through this year? Will you see missed opportunities or that you took control of your life? Will you be happy with the decisions that you made or disappointed for another year? You can do this!